In 2013, we moved from Fort Worth, TX to Kansas City MO to start a new job. We didn’t know the area and we didn't know anyone in it. After living in a hotel for a couple of weeks, we finally found a rental property close to my work. The house itself was not great. Moving in the middle of an academic year, we were left with the least desirable properties. However, the location was unbeatable. It's less than 10 minutes walk to my work and is close to all the attractions this city has to offer. What was also cool about living close to work is that you can save your mind and your pocket. Unlike most of my colleagues, I avoided the stress of commuting to and from work and all the expenses that comes with it. We liked the area we lived in so much that when we were ready to buy a house, we decided to limit our search to same block we live in.
Recently, when my wife started a new full-time job and kids were in two different schools, things got a bit complicated. Hauling the kids to and from school became harder and Lyft was not always an option, especially if you live without a smartphone. But I was ready to buy a smartphone rather than buying a car.
I love biking! And the idea of taking the kids to school in a bike was always present. While we did use a bike stroller in the past for short rides, it became harder to do so as they grow-up. Until, I heard about cargo bikes!
This January, I purchased a new RadWagon Electric Bike (1). It's a life changer and quickly became my main transportation to work, grocery shopping, and anything in between.
While the weather is still not perfect, I took the kids to school on the RadWagon couple of times and they loved it. With the cargo seat, both kids are able to sit comfortably and enjoy the ride. And the pedal assist, makes the ride easier and fun.
In the other hand, riding on the street with motorists can be a hazard. Especially, when no designated bike lanes are available. But it's safer to be visible to vehicles by driving on the same traffic direction(2). While riding on sidewalks is also an option (legal in Missouri), I find it harder and more hazardous due to the unevenness of the pavement caused by tree roots pushing the concrete up.
1. Rad Power Bikes RadWagon Electric Cargo Bike Review | Electric Bike Report
2. Missouri's bicycle and pedestrian laws